
记录 & 登记

The Office of 记录 and 登记 maintains integrity of student academic records and manages effective policies and practices regarding registration, academic progress, and commencement for 澳门足球博彩官方网址.

The Office of 记录 and 登记 is an essential resource for all your educational requirements, 从你的那一刻起 apply as a student to 澳门足球博彩官方网址, until you graduate or transfer to another institution.

与记录有关的信息和表格, 成绩单, 招生, residency, 毕业典礼在这里举行.

成绩单是学生学业历史的完整记录, 包括课程, 成绩, 以及在加勒特学院获得的学位/证书.

澳门足球博彩官方网址 utilizes Parchment® Credentialing 服务 to process official transcript requests at a cost of $6.每份成绩单00美元.

  1. 咨询预期的收件人关于首选的成绩单格式. Electronic PDF 成绩单 are not accepted by all recipients and 澳门足球博彩官方网址 will not reissue transcript orders or provide a refund for orders once they have been processed.
  2. 应发送正式成绩单 直接 寄给收件人. Most institutions will not accept a transcript that was sent to a student 然后 forwarded on.
  3. 你的信用卡或借记卡准备好了吗. 加勒特学院收费6美元.每份正式成绩单收费00美元.
  4. 有效的电子邮件地址 是否需要创建一个账户来订购成绩单.
  5. 仔细检查拼写和数据是至关重要的 输入错误可能会延迟成绩单的处理.


非正式成绩单提供24/7,并可通过下载 http://my.foam-q.com 门户网站. 如果你在过去六个月内是加勒特学院的学生. 这些抄本可作为参考, 但不能代替正式成绩单.

官方 成绩单 are certified and signed by the 注册商 and should be sent 直接 寄给收件人. 每次打开电子成绩单PDF文件, 将以电子方式进行认证,以确保其未被更改. Please note that an e-transcript ceases to be official if it is forwarded from the student to another recipient; it must be sent 直接 from 澳门足球博彩官方网址. 电子PDF成绩单的打印副本不被视为正式的. A paper transcript is official as long as it remains in its original sealed envelope.


  • It is the student's responsibility to verify that the recipient will accept an electronic PDF transcript before placing an order.
  • Schools affiliated with Parchment have a dedicated drop-box for electronic transcript delivery. 如果你寄给个人, 请使用电子邮件选项并输入特定的收件人电子邮件地址.
  • It is cruicial to double-check spelling and data 输入错误可能会延迟成绩单的处理.


  • 纸质成绩单通过羊皮纸订购.
  • 订单一般在几个工作日内处理完毕, 然而, 在假期和校园关闭期间提出的申请将需要额外的时间.
  • It is cruicial to double-check spelling and data entered as errors can delat the processing of your transcript.
  • Parchment Customer 支持 should be contacted for questions about the ordering process, 订单状态, 或者用户问题 www.羊皮纸.com. 您还可以查看 常见问题 关于羊皮纸.

你是有兴趣来加勒特学院的转学生吗? 访问我们的 转到加勒特学院 点击此处了解更多信息!

家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)保护 学生档案私隐 and affords students certain rights, which begins once the student attends classes. 它规定了检查和审查的权利 教育记录, 设法修改这些记录, 并限制从记录中披露的信息, 除了 在FERPA未经同意授权披露的范围内.

The right to access a student’s record belongs to the student, not the parent or legal guardian. 学生的学术 信息(如课程表), 成绩, 学术地位, 进行记录, 账单, 等.)将会是 给学生. 这是由学生来决定谁可以获得访问. 学生s who wish to share their educational records may complete the 学生资讯发布 located on the 学生门户 at my.foam-q.com 通过选择 学生 然后 在线表单.

阅读更多: 加勒特学院学生记录隐私

澳门足球博彩官方网址 has authorized the National 学生 Clearinghouse to provide employers and background 筛选具有注册和学位认证的公司. 机构应参观 www.degreeverify.org 请求此信息.

Current students may print an 招生 verification in the 学生门户 under 学生, 我的报告, 及入学证明.

学生s are encouraged to register as early as possible to ensure a space in selected classes.

所有学生在注册前都必须与指导老师见面. 安排咨询 appointment, new students may contact the 招生 office; returning students are to contact 他们以前指定的顾问. 的建议 & 学业成功中心也提供给 在寒暑假期间协助归国学生.

After an initial meeting with their advisor, students may add and drop courses in the my.foam-q.com 学生门户. The last day to add, drop, and withdraw, along with associated deadlines are published in the 校历. 希望放弃或增加课程的学生应直接联系他们的顾问. 落下的最后一天 添加、提取和相关的退款截止日期在

学生s at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 are expected to take responsibility for their own academic success and 程度上的成就. This includes making satisfactory progress each semester towards completion of 他们的学术项目. 圆满完成学业要求的学生 被认为有良好的学术地位. 学生必须保持良好的学术地位 to be eligible for graduation, and in many cases, to be able to transfer to another institution. 学业成绩也可能影响运动和经济援助资格.

学术成绩在秋季和春季学期结束时计算, and is determined by the number of credit hours attempted and the student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA). 学生s who fail to meet the requirements for good 学术地位 are placed on academic probation and will work with an Academic Success Advisor to develop a plan for returning to good standing. Failure to attain good 学术地位 while on probation will result in academic dismissal. An academically dismissed student will be required to spend one year away from the College to allow time to reflect on the factors causing poor performance. 虽然学生有上诉权, careful consideration should be given as to whether immediate reinstatement is appropriate. 而不是呼吁, students are encouraged to use this time to evaluate their academic/professional goals, 解决导致业绩不佳的挑战, 在更有可能成功的时候,制定一个回报计划. Detailed instructions on filing an appeal and important deadlines can be found in the 学术解雇申诉包.

另外, 根据联邦法规的要求, students receiving financial aid are subject to further standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress which is reviewed by 金融援助. 有关令人满意的学业进展的更多信息 以及它如何影响你的学生资助,请查看 大学目录.

用于评估学费, 加勒特学院遵循住院医师指导方针 由马里兰州高等教育委员会颁发. 学生的居住地(又名住所)在学校确定 加勒特学院的入学时间. 学生居住的决定过程,包括信息 军人和外籍人士,都可以在里面查看 大学目录.

A student who changes his or her residence during a semester will not have his/her tuition adjusted 在那个学期里. 新的学费标准将于下学期开始实施.

你知道毕业不是自动的吗? Before students can receive a diploma -- even if they’re not planning to attend the ceremony -- students must apply to receive a diploma. 在读学生可以完成毕业 & 文凭申请位于学生门户网站 my.foam-q.com 先选择“学生”,再选择“网上表格”.

点击这里 了解更多关于毕业和加勒特毕业典礼的信息.


学生s who have transferred to another institution before earning an associate’s degree at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 may be able to “reverse transfer” the outstanding credits back to GC. Earning your associate degree adds a valuable educational achievement to your resume, 提高你的工作资格和获得更高薪水的潜力.


  • 在GC至少修满15个学分
  • 最少2个.在GC的累积绩点为00
  • 总共至少修满60个学分


  1. 电子邮件 registrar@foam-q.com 讨论你的处境
  2. 把你的正式大学成绩单寄给GC

We will review all of your college coursework and see how it applies towards your previously declared GC major. We often find that although some students may not meet the requirements for their specific major, 他们是通识文科副学士学位的候选人.

如需更多信息或协助,请发送电子邮件 registrar@foam-q.com.


要执行以下任何操作,请登录到您的 my.foam-q.com 帐户,然后转到学生,然后是在线表格.

  • 更换顾问
  • 课程重复申请
  • 学生资讯发布
  • 豁免/替代要求
  • 毕业 & 毕业证书的应用程序


问题? 联系 registrar@foam-q.com 寻求帮助.

记录 & 注册办公室澳门足球博彩官方网址


金正日DeGiovanni, 注册商

罗宾Swearengen, 记录及注册助理

艾米Beeman, 入学服务 & 注册代表

电子邮件: registrar@foam-q.com
电话:  301-387-3113
成绩单:  301-387-3153 or 成绩单@foam-q.com
传真: 301.387.3038
加勒特学院档案办公室 & 登记
早上8点30分.m. - 4:30 p.m.